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This site is dedicated to what you can expect in Singapore's Primary
Mathematics and Science Syllabus. Read through to get a deeper appreciation
of what each subject constitutes so that you will have a better understanding
of what your child is doing in school. Hope you find this site useful.

(How Prepared Is Your Child?)

Created by Mr Joseph

Is Your Child facing mounting stress in school these days? (Click on image for full report)

To All Registered Parents:
"As your child is my current pupil,you are entitled to download all the FREE resources on this page and have your child bring
them to class where I will provide all the necessary Answers(including study
tips on how to Ace in his coming CA test etc. Your child is also entitled to get
Free supplementary Notes, Activity Worksheets & Assessment papers with the
latest (2020) PSLE Questions and Free copies of 2020 Top school exam papers!"

To Non-Registered Parents:
"Take time to browse through this webpage to get all the necessary information you need.
Alternatively, you may come down today to visit us or call your nearest branch to speak to our customer-friendly service officers who will be able to offer the latest promotional deals (ending soon) OR
better still, WA me at 
+8928 3607 for a FREE consultation on how best I can
help meet your child's needs in Science & Maths. Your child will be learning what schools do not teach"
Best Wishes...Mr Joseph,BSc(NUS),PGDE(NTU),
Sc/Maths Specialist


To help pupils better understand and appreciate the usefulness of the topics covered in mainstream schools.


Many pupils have a rather sketchy or weak foundation in primary Maths and Science. This is due mainly to the lack of exposure to sound concepts which are
fundamental to the greater understanding and appreciation to Maths and Science.
Without a solid grounding, many pupils are at a loss when it comes to solving
Problem Questions later on in upper Primary levels. Subjects such as Maths and
Science which are content-based subjects are thus the most badly affected since
the pupil has to grapple with higher-level and more abstract concepts which rely
heavily on elementary and foundational concepts taught at the lower primary
levels. These pupils will thus end up struggling for the rest of their lives in
schools if nothing is done to address this problem at an early stage.
The focus of this programme is to bridge any gap between what a child knows currently with what is being taught in school as well as between lower and upper primary levels in the most effective way so that pupils will stand to gain an added advantage once they step into upper primary levels and beyond. This programme will not only address this shortcoming but also help to boost the level of self-confidence in your child. Your child will thus end up appreciating the subject for what it is and will challenge himself not to give up all too easily but to make an attempt to find a solution to every problem that he or she faces, be it in school as well as in the outside world.

It is my hope that your child will join my programme and learn to gain as much useful insight as possible by attending this programme which I have specially created to address the need of your child.

This programme consists of both Maths and Science subjects .
The details vary according to the branch location in which you register your child.

You may click on the link below for more information:

the very moment you step into Mr Joseph's Class

Outline of SCIENCE Programme



...Synopsis to the Programme:

This lesson
is designed to help pupils cultivate Science process skills which is
increasingly being taught in primary schools in order to prepare pupils for
secondary levels and beyond. It is thus highly suitable for pupils who will be
going on to do Science in Primary 3. It serves as a starting point for the
learning of Science as a discipline . It gives pupils a glimpse into the
workings of a scientist in solving daily problems in our lives. It encompasses
the common process skills such as comparing, classification, evaluation, fair
testing, prediction, hypothesis, graph-reading and interpretation and a host of
other skills. This course is also relevant to existing science pupils who wish
to revisit the principles of a science investigative project. Experimentation and consistent practice is the highlight of this course and hands-on activities is carried out to better help pupils appreciate the inner workings of a scientist. Its highly-structured lesson is packed with lots of fun-filled activities that serves to keep the pupils enthralled and mesmerized from beginning till the end. If taken in the right frame of mind and spirit, pupils who attend my programme will be more confident in expressing their answers to problem questions seen increasingly in Section B of their Science assessment (test & exam) papers in school as well as in PSLE papers. Pupils who have attended this programme in the past have benefited greatly as they have gained greater confidence in expressing themselves to seemingly 'difficult' questions.Interestingly, I have also used this same technique and strategy in my June and Dec Holiday Enrichment Programme at KRTC with much success as attest by my pupils. (see my Portfolio obtainable from Branch office*)
There is no age limit and anyone with a keen interest in Science is free to
participate in this programme. Hope to see you there.

Science/Maths Programme - 2022

Conducting investigative experiments using the Scientific Method Way

Click here for a similar preview of what your child can expect

The world of Physics

Click here to watch a preview of what Physics is all about

The world of Biology

Click here to watch an introductory video on Biology

The world of Chemistry

and finally, click here to watch an introductory video that learning Chemistry is fun(ny)!


(Not Convinced Yet?)

View the Lesson Sample below

Below is a typical Primary 5 Science lesson conducted in my class on 'Plant reproduction' As you can see, there are experiments to help your child learn and appreciate Science in a fun and interesting manner. Science is meant to engage and entertain and arouse all the senses which is ultimately linked to picking up essential science process skills implicitly. 

                 Exemplifying the AIM of an experiment              Recording of results











Mr Joseph's Classes is customised to cater to both

                        Regular and Enrichment Pupils                                           

Synopsis to the Programme:

Problem-Solving Heuristics

Apply logic to solve puzzles – that’s all it is. And there’s a systematic science to it.

Most children love activity books. This proves their innate need to be challenged and mentally stimulated. Maths puzzles tap into this instinctive desire to stretch children’s minds. Challenging Maths questions challenge them to find and apply faster, more creative solutions. This trains them in higher-order thinking and decision-making skills on top of subject knowledge.

Now, don’t we all apply these skills at home, at work and at play? Therefore, heuristics practically take children beyond school, right through their lives.

Heuristics in PSLE Maths

1. Use Diagrams / Models

Watch Sample Below:

2. Act it Out

3. Use Before & After

4. Use Systematic Listing

5. Look for Patterns

6. Work Backwards

7. Use Guess & Check

8. Simplify the Problem

9. Make Supposition

10. Solve Part of the Problem

11. Paraphrase the Problem

12. Think of a Related Problem

13. Use Equation
Source: Ministry of Education of Singapore . Mathematical Syllabus Primary. Singapore: Curriculum Planning and Development Division.

More than half of PSLE Maths marks go to heuristics-related questions.

Approximately 55% of PSLE Maths marks are dedicated to long, open-ended questions that necessitate problem-solving. Several are routine questions, easily solved using the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Many are non-routine questions, requiring the four basic operations AND problem-solving heuristics.

The Ministry of Education has identified 11 heuristics for primary-level Maths, and two more for secondary-level Maths.

In problem solving, terms such as ‘strategies’ and ‘heuristics’ are commonly used to
describe certain approaches and techniques used in the solution process.
Strategies are useful techniques for solving a wide variety of problems. There
are general steps to make a problem clear, simpler or more manageable. These two terms are often used interchangeably and sometimes used jointly as heuristics
strategies. Heuristics are general strategies through which a problem solver moves towards a solution as in Polyas (1971) classic “How to Solve It” where he prescribes the following 4-phased process.


SEE: What is the problem to be solved? What are we trying to find out? Can the problem be re-stated in another form?


PLAN: What is known. Where do we go from here? What is needed before this problem can be resolved? What additional information is needed? What is a useful strategy to


DO: Carry out the plan. Apply mathematical skills, concepts and strategies;


CHECK: Compare with the original question. Does my interpretation match the original question? Does it make mathematical sense? Should I revise it further?

At the same time there are specific strategies a pupil can learn and use to solve specific problems such a the following listed below. These strategies are the more common ones taught in schools and exemplified through solving certain types of
non-routine process problems. These strategies to be covered in this programme


Acting it out


Using diagrams and models


Making a systematic list


Looking for patterns


Guess and check


Working backwards


Using ‘Before’ & ‘After’ concept


Solving a problem by breaking into simpler parts


Writing mathematical statements


Making suppositions

Examples of
the above and specific heuristic strategies will be covered in greater detail
during my weekly Maths/Science Programme  lessons. In this programme, we will highlight some common heuristic strategies that pupils may use in our local classrooms. Model methods will be dealt with extensively to solve several non-routine problem and challenging sums.

Sign up for ACE-Your Science/Maths Programme early and stand a chance to walk away with FREE Past-Year Exam Papers from Top Schools in Singapore!

Before I go, I'd like to leave you all with the following Question.

Maths Question:

Science Question:

Click to enlarge image below

For answers, you may use the "Post A Comment" box below, write in to or call the centers below to register your child and I will personally coach your child in getting the correct answers.

Wishing you all the best!

Tutor Joseph

For further information, please Whatsapp, 8928 3607

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